Tao Te Jinx
Steve Aylett has been described as a "literary terrorist", "a man possessed of comic demons" and "a master of one-liners", and in his career thus far has thoroughly alienated everyone who prefers reading garbage. He's exhausting. The Tao Te Jinx collects choice quotes from twenty satirical Aylett books.
About Aylett:
"Aylett is the coolest writer alive today" - Starburst
"stretches language to bursting" - Complete Review
"a complete one-off - a resounding voice ... bizarre, innovative and utterly original" - SFX
"jaw-droppingly dark and funny ... Is this the future of fiction?" - The Guardian
"an extraordinary synthesis of popular and high art" - Boston Globe
"conceptually brilliant and satirically walloping" - Asimov's
"if you've been waiting for the first great neo-modernist novelist of the new century ...your wait is now over" - Grant Morrison
"it's minds like his we'd like in our think tanks. He's one of the few truly originals" - Barcelona Review
LINT, Novahead, Heart of the Original, Slaughtermatic, the Accomplice books, Hyperthick, Fain the Sorcerer, Smithereens, The Caterer, And Your Point Is?, Atom, The Inflatable Volunteer, Shamanspace, Toxicology, The Crime Studio, Bigot Hall, Johnny Viable, Lord Pin. Plus pics!
See new colors from the front edge of fiction!
Convincingly pretend you've read the Accomplice books!
Casually state profound truths with the ease that others talk shit!
Out April 2023 from Anti-Oedipus Press.